Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here is one of our first pics of the New Baby

Within one week, Loren finished the purchase of his new Practice, I was called as Young Women's President, and we found out we were pregnant with our Third. It was a crazy week, but I'm counting on many more of those in the weeks ahead . . .

Due in May


christina key said...

you are pregnant? congrats! baby girl?? shoot for may 23...we can be birthday twins :)
congrats tiff

Unknown said...

It's a pretty baby. Mom likes it too. Congratulations to all four of you. Love

Erickson Fam said...

Wow, sounds like one busy week! Congratulation to you and your family. You always make such a cute prego woman!
You'll make a great YW Pres... I just got called to be the RS Pres - crazy!

Todd.Melissa.Addyson.Kaitlin said...

so cute!!!

Heather Whitworth said...

How are you holding up? Your boys are darling!

crosbiefamily said...

Ok...I obviously need to check your blog more often. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you. And you are a great fit for YW president, you are going to be a very busy lady.
Love you!

Lori said...

WOW!! Congrats! How are you feeling? I hope you are handling things well and hanging in there. Love ya!