Monday, June 16, 2008

Some pictures channeling 1990's photography . . .

Seriously, don't these pictures look like they were from a film camera. You know, when you weren't sure what kind of picture you were going to get when you developed it. I don't know, for the life of me, how families get their kids to not only smile for the camera at the same time but just to LOOK at the camera at the same time. Here's, once again, the best I could get. These were taken to have some pics to send our Fathers for Father's Day.

And here are some of our rejects. That came out wrong. I'm not calling our sons "rejects", just simply saying these were some of the rejected pictures . . . meaning not for print, only for laughs.

This one's my favorite. I think he's mocking me.


Unknown said...

Good job.

Unknown said...

Good job.

Erickson Fam said...

Ha! Those are such cute pictures. I've kinda given up on the 'perfect picture'. My kids are older and I still can't get them to look at the camera with a smile at the same time.

I think the candid one's are the best anyway.

Sarah said...

Oh my, what a hilariou kid! I can't believe how big he's gotten...I mean seriously, the last time we saw him...oh wait. So when do we get to see your kids? maybe you should come out here before you settle down...anyway, cute photos, lady!