Did you all watch it? It was great. But I have to tell you a story first. Leave it to Tiffany to ruin a good night. So, it was 7:00pm, Gavry should have been being put to sleep (in bed, not like a dog), but his parents were lazy, so we put on a Toy Story for him in the other room and told him to keep quiet. Fisher was fed and about to fall asleep. We turned on LOST. And, it was a clip show to catch up all of those people who haven't been watching from the beginning. We're glad you've joined us, but watching netflix is cheating, come on. Anyway, we didn't want to watch it so we decided to go get ice cream . . . and we NEVER go get ice cream. We bundled up the little ones and headed to Marble Slab. I made my choice of flavor quickly, but of course, Loren couldn't decide. I said, I want caramel with fudge brownie." He said, "I think you've nailed it." So we ordered the big one and took a seat. (Is it okay if I switch to third person now?) Tiff had a bite. Loren had a bite. "Tiff, there are nuts in it."
"No there aren't. I would know by now if there were."
"Yes, there are."
"No there aren't." Tiff takes another bite. "Oh man, go get the benedryl!"
Loren dashes out to the car. No benedryl. Meanwhile, Tiff complains that there are nuts in the brownies and asks for a different scoop. They oblige nicely. Tiff can feel her throat swelling. (Back to first person) We book it out of there each having our own ice cream now. To home. To take benedryl. To get sleepy. To contemplate going to the emergency room for the beloved epinephrine shot. But we made it through the season premier of LOST finally, with belly aches. Seriously, just go buy some Blue Bell ice cream and sit at home. Going out for ice cream stinks. LOST was good though, right?